CALAS International Award for Young Scientists 2014
LASA India invites nominations from LASA members for “CALAS International Award for Young Scientists 2014”. The next CALAS annual meeting will be held during 25-28 June 2014, in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, P. R. China. For this meeting, CALAS have invited nominations for “CALAS International Award for Young Scientists 2014” through LASA India from the young Indian researchers, who are 35 years old or younger on Dec. 31, 2014. The awardees will be given a testimonial and a prize of RMB 3000.00 in cash at the ceremony and free of registration fee at the annual meeting of CALAS to be held in during 25-28 June 2014, in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, P. R. China. However, CALAS does not reimburse the traveling charges by any other special funding. More information on CALAS is available on their official website at
LASA India will nominate one person for this award and the guidelines for the nomination is available at the LASA website
Eligible candidates should meet the following criteria:
- His/ her research should be related to laboratory animal science which covers basic to applied biomedical research centering around use of experimental animals and also covers topics related to experimental animals such as technology, management, and animal welfare.
- He/ she should be younger than 35 years before December 31, 2014.
- He/ she should be able to present the research accomplishment at a symposium at the symposium at the CALAS conference 2014.
- Full research paper along with the abstract should be submitted.
- If nominated, a copy of the Indian passport and recent passport size photograph will be asked by the LASA India.
Electronic version of the full paper as well as abstract of the work and forwarding letter is MUST and should reach the undersigned on or before Wednesday, May 14, 2014.
Duly signed hard copy of the abstract and full paper forwarded officially on official stationary by the immediate reporting officer of the candidate should reach the undersigned before the due date.
Incomplete applications not meeting any requirements as stated in the “Application Submission Procedure” in the guidelines available on the LASA India website will not be entertained.
Upon scrutiny and selection, LASA India shall invite further details of valid Indian passport and photographs from the nominated candidate.
Send your application to the Secretary ( before the due date.