Dr. Arvind Ingle, has been elected as a 'Member' on Governing Board of International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS), Brussels, Belgium (www.iclas.org) in the General Assembly meeting of ICLAS held in Prague, Czech Republic on June 10, 2019. ICLAS is an international non-governmental and non-profit scientific organization. Through an initiative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO), the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), and the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), conceived the International Committee on Laboratory Animals (ICLA) in 1956 as a non-governmental organization to promote high standards of laboratory animal quality, care, and health. Its activities have included collaboration with the World Health Organization since 1961. In 1979, ICLA was renamed as International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS).... more info..

Dr. Arvind Ingle, Scientific Officer �G�, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre, Navi Mumbai has been nominated as �Member' on the Editorial Board of the "Animal Models and Experimental Medicine" journal which is an official journal of Chinese Association of Laboratory Animal Science.... more info..

LASA India is proud to have him nominated as a Member on the Editorial Board of this Open Access journal.

AAALAC International Ad hoc Consultants from LASA

LASA is proud to announce that following members of LASA are serving as Ad hoc Consultants for Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC), USA. Dr. Suresh Poosala is serving as Council member of AAALAC in the Pacific Rim section.

Dr. Arvind D. IngleDr. P. R. ChaudhariDr. Vijay Pal SinghDr. K.B.Patel
Dr. Shikha YadavDr. Mukul P. PoreDr. Himanshu JoshiDr. Samarendra
Dr. Suresh Poosala
P Y Guru 
Dr. K.N. KohaleDr. Rahul A. ThoratDr. P.Y. Guru